CFA Society Boston Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

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Signup Deadline: 07-30-2021
Starts: 09-01-2021
Ends: 06-30-2022


CFA Society Boston supports an investment management profession that values diversity and inclusion. The CFA Society Boston DEI program began as the Women in Investment Management Initiative (WIMN) in August 2015 with the mission of recruiting, retaining and promoting women in the investment profession in Boston. Through programming and outreach, the committee has moved the mission forward. We have held women-focused events and met with University partners to advocate for women. In order to create a more inclusive industry, we shifted to a more comprehensive and broader scope with the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion program.  

Thank you for your interest in engaging with your local Society by volunteering for a committee, initiative, or task force. Please read the Volunteer Roles, Responsibilities & Code of Conduct before completing your application.  CFA Society Boston will do its best to place you on a committee or provide you with an engagement opportunity. Please note committee and task force appointments are for a one (1) year term, July 1 - June 30. If you have any questions, please contact CFA Society Boston's office at

Volunteers Needed:

15 (10 open slots)

Experience Required:

1 to 3 Years Industry Experience




Caitlin Basler
CFA Society Boston